Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I get asked to dinner

I made some pretty killer lentil soup the other night. I discovered that my mom has taught me wrong(I'm positive my mom only barely checks her email so this information will never get to her). She typically uses brown lentils, which i love, but The Lebanese got it right with red lentils. Red lentils, onions, garlic, veggie stock, cumin, salt, pepper and lemon and you have lebanese style lentil soup that you'll find at your nearest sweet little middle eastern spot. Easy.

Also, this is the best cookie I've ever had. THE BEST. It's a staple at the cafe and we love making it. It's better than any buttery chocolatey concoction you whipped up in your kitchen. Trust me. It's from the book, Vegan Cookies Invade your cookie jar. They will invade your hot cup of coffee too. eattt!

On another scattered thought, I decided to save most of my tax refund but give myself a little something(s). I need the music.

Here's a few vinyl selections that will find its way into my home..

Ran to the record store last Tuesday for Damien Jurado's new album. Matt is really happy to be photographed with Damien (mostly because his cannibal corpse t-shirt is peeking in)

The Louvin Brothers-Tragic Songs of Life (1956)

Kurt Vile-Smoke Ring for My Halo(2011)

Maybe a little more Donny Hathaway and An Eccentric Soul compilation from an old chicago soul label? It ain't cheap but I'm feeling frivolous and soulful.

Here's a little taste from Deno.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Voces Del Secuestro

Did you know there's a radio program strictly dedicated to kidnapped individuals in Colombia? A decade ago, around 3,000 people were kidnapped a year in Colombia. A YEAR. Meaning, around 8 people a day. That's an astounding number. According to the information I heard this afternoon on This American Life, that number has drastically dropped to around 800 a year. But back to the radio program...

Voces Del Secuestro is a Colombian radio program that caters to this very issue. It allows loved ones to leave messages for their taken family members to be played on the airwaves. They are prompted to be positive and cheery so as to lift the spirits of their loved one. No crying, weeping or messages of despair and loss. Are these messages delivered? How do they know their effort is worthwhile? According to reporter Annie Correal, it does make a difference. Her father was kidnapped by The FARC over a decade ago and held captive for 8 months. During his captivity, a guard gave him a small black radio that became his only source of companionship and information to the outside world. During that time he tuned in every week to Voces Del Secuestro and finally heard the comforting voices of his son and wife. Miss Correal catches up with her father on a recent episode of This American Life to understand his time away and learns that she never really understood how that experience has shaped her father today.

I've been thinking about the power of radio lately. How it used to be the main source of entertainment and vivid storytelling. How it allowed your imagination to be on the forefront, to run wild with colors and images and thoughts. It created a society of thinkers and artists and a head filled with endless ideas. I never thought of its comforting and life saving attributes. I was just talking to a friend about not listening to This American Life as much. It was exciting to sit in my car oustide of work this morning glued to the radio, eagerly waiting to hear what Annie Correal would say next.

The story originally surfaced here with the assistance of producer Jay Allison.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Brighten my northern sky

Sometimes I wish I didn't live in the city. I wanna see some stars. A friend this past weekend told me his camping travels in a remote city outside of Tempe, Arizona were the best nights under the stars. Brighter than imaginable.

Enjoy these stars.

..and how could I forget! For the first time, Frida Kahlo's personal photos on Exhibit in Arlington, Virginia.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's time.

I returned from a long road trip from one of my favorite places. Home. I cleared my head, freely listened to my favorite music(I found an old hip hop mix),strained my back, saw the mountainous state of Pennsylvania covered in light snow and saw some dear people in my life. The universe was nice to me on the way back with a deep orange and red sunset in Maryland and a quick drive(I win. I made it back under 9 hours.)

I hope what I felt is a continuous push, some real motivation. I talk about starting my own business as a dream, a cloudy illusion that only happens and exists in that unreachable sense. It will become a reality and I need to start viewing it as such. Detroit really inspired me this time around. I saw people around me make, draw, shoot,play, sell, etc. Though my steps are small and behind the scenes, I'm eager for a hands on, concrete change. A small business course? Heavier research? It's time.

On a happy record release day note,Damien Jurado's Maraqopa is out today! I don't think I've been excited for a new record in years. New music lives again.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy singles awareness day

Can someone send me a sweet little 3x4 valentine with Snoopy holding a little red heart? I miss those, even if they were forced on the entire class and you had to put your head down if you forgot to bring one in for someone(shit is rough).

On that note, enjoy these eclectic non-valentines courtesy of etsy.com. No one's bitter here.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Everybody knows about it

I caught the documentary, Freedom Songs: The music of the civil rights movement on PBS just now. Check your local listings. It was released in 2009 and PBS has been playing it on and off since then(I'm assuming more so this month). It was part of their yearly contribution gift and from what I saw, it's a fantastic collection of music and interviews. It's a look into the roots of freedom songs and a loud wake up call to the African American community to act whether it be loudly and violently or holding hands and waiting for a change to come.

***James Brown switching his show to a live CBS broadcast last minute is a pretty great story. People stayed home to watch and avoided the streets of Boston that evening.

From Phil Ochs to Mahalia Jackson and back to the black churches where 3 small girls singing impromptu stirred a well known civil rights activist. Guys, it's something to see and hear.

Remember when music really mattered? Yea.

It's been a long, long time coming.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Doo Doo Doo Doo

"I heard you call my name..you were outside my door.."

This album is becoming closer to my heart everyday.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Love and The Lovings

I'm looking forward to this documentary about well known interracial couple Richard and Mildred Loving. Maybe I'll take a trip to NYC to see this exhibit.

I adore the porch photo. The nonverbal communication is undeniable. She's drained, he's attempting to stay uplifted and determined. What an exhaustive and disheartening process. To be in a sweet moment of love and then to be punished and forced to publicly defend it. I hope you can see this too.